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Make All Faith Community Services your charity of choice. Donate between now and April 15th to receive your dollar-for-dollar tax credit for 2024. Individuals can receive $470.00 and joint filing can
receive $938.00.

Cientos de familias en el lejano West Valley pasan hambre todos los meses y atraviesan tiempos difíciles. ¡Ayúdanos a proporcionarles comida para comer, ropa y artículos para ayudarles y recursos y habilidades para darles un nuevo comienzo!

Come volunteer and see what a difference you can make!
Click the button below to download the
Volunteer Flyer or fill out our Volunteer Application
The application is Fillable on a desktop/laptop computer or your cell phone. Just click on the Application button and then click "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
¡Echando una mano a los necesitados con la ayuda de nuestros generosos, amables y afectuosos socios comunitarios !

Rotary Club
of Verrado

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